Terms & Conditions

Teachsport and Buzzers Academies ~ Terms & Conditions ~

  • All Teachsport staff have an Enhanced DBS check undertaken every 3 years and are regularly trained in First Aid and Safeguarding & Protecting Children.
  • We only accept online bookings. These are the most efficient and safe way of receiving you and your child’s information. In exceptional circumstances, we may take a telephone or face to face booking, but this will incur a £5 administration fee.
  • On completion of your online booking, via Class4kids, please read your booking confirmation email. Your child(s) name will be added to the relevant register. No additional communication will be made to confirm your booking. If you are unsure as to whether your online booking has been received, please call or email via the contact information on the venue page.
  • Payment can be made by either:

1.    Debit/Credit Card

2.    Direct Bank Transfer

3.    Childcare Vouchers

  • We do not currently accept Debit or Credit Card payment over the phone or at our venues. If paying by Childcare Vouchers, please follow the instructions at the bottom of the Terms and Conditions. Alternatively, please email the contact on the venue page, or buzzers@teachsport.org
  • Cancellations & Refunds - To cancel an Academy booking, you must notify Teachsport by emailing the contact on the venue page. Failure to do so may result in you being refused a refund. You will receive a 90% refund for cancellations made on pre-paid bookings (cancelled with more than 24 hours’ notice). Cancellations made less than 24 hours’ prior to your booking ‘Academy date’ will be refunded 75% of the booking value. Cancellation by parents/guardians due to poor weather will not be refunded. Cancellation by Teachsport due to poor weather will be refunded.
  • Covid-19 Self isolation - if a child needs to self-isolate we can issue a 90% refund with more than 24 hours’ notice. Less than 24 hours’ notice, prior to your booking ‘Academy date’, you will be refunded at 75% of the booking value. Cancellation by Teachsport & Buzzers or due to closure following the Government guidelines, regarding Covid-19, a full refund will be issued.
  • Please note that refunds cannot be made for Childcare Voucher payments, but a credit can be made to your account.
  • Teachsport reserve the right to refuse or exclude any person at any time prior to or during an Academy if, in their opinion, that person is incompatible with the general wellbeing and safe running of the Academy. In this instance no refund will be given and any costs incurred, including any damage, will be passed onto the parents/carers who will also be responsible for the collection of the child from the Academy. We pride ourselves on the quality of our staff and our school teaching backgrounds, which in turn has led us to work with children with special educational needs and disability (SEND). Teachsport always aim to be fully inclusive. Removal from one of our Academies is our last resort and wherever possible, we will work with parents/carers to resolve any issues prior to taking this action.
  • Booking and payment questions and queries are to be made directly to Teachsport contact on the venue page. Alternatively, you can call our main office via telephone (020 8698 3036) or email (buzzers@teachsport.org). Please do not direct any payment or booking queries/questions to our on-site Academy staff.
  • When children are booked on to and attend a Buzzers Academy, it is automatically assumed that they are allowed to participate in our activities and have the parent/guardian permission to do so.
  • Teachsport do not accept any liability for the loss or damage of any property belonging to children attending our Buzzers Academies. Teachsport strongly advise that no personal belongings other than lunch and clothing are brought to a Buzzers Academy. All clothing, lunch equipment and other personal possessions should be named.
  • Children should wear appropriate comfortable sports clothing to all Buzzers Academies. Teachsport strongly advise that outdoor/waterproof clothing is also brought to every Academy day, regardless of the time of year.
  • Parents/carers are responsible for providing suitable sun protection for their children when the weather is fine/forecast to be fine. This includes a T-shirt covering their shoulders, a sun hat and sunscreen with an appropriate sun protection factor in it. Parents/carers must ensure children have had sunscreen applied before they are dropped off at Buzzers and that their children are able to re-apply during the day if necessary. Buzzers staff can verbally assist children in the application of sunscreen but are unable to physically apply it for them.
  • Parents/carers are responsible for providing a suitable lunch, snacks and drinks for their children while they are at Buzzers. We ask that they bring a refillable water bottle. Please note that all Buzzers Venues are NUT-FREE due to fellow attendees who may have severe allergies, and to comply with School-based venue policies.
  • It is the responsibility of parents/carers to inform Buzzers of any medical, behavioural or special needs at the time of booking. We are an inclusive organisation and will endeavor to cater for your child’s needs. We can only do this, however, if we are fully informed of needs and requirements in advance of the day.
  • Buzzers Academies do not allow the use of mobile phones/devices during the Buzzers day. If parents/carers wish for their children to have a mobile phone/devise with them, it is the child's responsibility, not Teachsport/Buzzers Academies. Children are not allowed to use their devices for games/music/messaging or anything else during the Buzzers day.
  • Teachsport/Buzzers Academies can not be held responsible for any loss or theft of any valuable items brought to Buzzers Academies.
  • All children attending Buzzers Academies must be able to toilet independently and be continent. We understand that accidents happen, but regular wetting/soiling is embarrassing for the child, and difficult for staff to deal with. If you suspect an accident may happen, please pack spare clothes and underwear for your child, and inform the Lead Coach.
  • Parents/carers are advised that dropping off their child(ren) before Extended Day hours will not be accepted. Our insurance does not allow children to be present on site, outside of our working hours. Parents/guardians should remain with their children until the Academy start time of 8.30am. Children dropped off before 8.30am will not be allowed on site.
  • For children booked on to the Academy Day who are dropped off before 9.45am, parents/guardians will be charged Extended Day rates.
  • All children are required to sign in and out of each day of the Academy.
  • Parents/carers MUST escort their child(ren) to the Academy entrance and be present when signing in. Buzzers only have duty of care of your child(ren) once they are signed in. We strongly advise that children are not dropped off at the venue car park and left to walk in unattended.
  • At the end of each Academy day, parents/carers must notify the Academy Lead Coach on arrival that they are taking their child(ren), so that they can be signed out accordingly. Parents/carers must be visible to our staff before we allow children to leave the Academy premises i.e. parents/carers should not wait for their children in their vehicles.
  • To notify us that another person other than those mentioned on your booking form are collecting your child(ren), please call or email the contact on the venue page or verbally inform the Lead Coach at the Academy.
  • If you give permission for your child(ren) to travel home on their own (without an authorised adult), then you must give us written permission prior to the relevant day. Without SIGNED written permission from a parent/carer, we will not allow your child(ren) to leave the Academy premises. Telephone/text permission will not be accepted.
  • For any children uncollected after the scheduled finish time of the Academy without communication from a parent/carer, the following actions will be applied:
  • If non-collection for the Academy Day (maximum 15 minutes waiting time), you will be charged for the Extended Day service on arrival (to be paid on the same day).
  • If non-collection after the Extended Day hours, parents/carers and any emergency contacts detailed on your Class4kids account will be telephoned. Our staff will stay with your child(ren) until an authorised adult arrives to collect them. On arrival, you (or the authorised adult) will be charged £5 every 15 minutes (to a maximum of 1 additional hour).
  • If we fail to make communication with any of your emergency contacts and your child(ren) have not been collected 1 hour after the end of the Academy day (Extended Day hours where applicable), Social Services and/or local police will be contacted. At this point, the responsibility of your child(ren) will no longer be that of Buzzers.
  • Failure to notify Buzzers of your lateness may result in additional administration, venue hire and staff fees. You will be notified of this in writing and the fee must be paid in full before you will be allowed to re-book on to one of our Buzzers Academies.
  • Consistent lateness may result in your remaining booking dates being terminated. If this does occur, you will be given a full refund for remaining dates.
  • Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s time at any of our Buzzers Academies, please in the first instance email the contact on the venue page. Alternatively, please email buzzers@teachsport.org Your concerns will be investigated and responded to as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with the action taken and/or reply given, please email buzzers@teachsport.org, explaining why you are not satisfied and your complaint will be investigated further.
  • The personal information requested on our Class4kids booking form is required to allow our employees to provide professional holiday and half-term care. This information will not be divulged to persons unconnected with Teachsport and Buzzers Academies. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update Teachsport with any changes in personal information including home address, email address, contact telephone numbers and medical information. Buzzers Academies, Teachsport and Class4kids all use systems that are fully GDPR compliant.
  • Receipts and Childcare Declaration Forms can be requested for Child Tax Credit purposes. These will incur an administration fee of £8 (part year receipt) and £12 (full year receipt).

Last updated: October 2019


Childcare Vouchers

If paying by Childcare Vouchers please see the companies below that we are registered with as TEACHSPORT:

·        busybeesbenefits.com

·        Care-4.co.uk

·        Computersharesharevoucherservices.com

·        flexiblebenefits.coop

·        Edenred.co.uk

·        enjoybenefits

·        faircare.co.uk

·        fideliti.co.uk

·        gemelliemployeebenefits.co.uk

·        Kiddivouchers.com

·       Midcounties.coop

·        myfamilycare.co.uk

·        rewardgateway.com

·        sodexo.com

We also accept Government vouchers, but we do need your reference number to be able to match your payment to your booking. Please email this to buzzers@teachsport.org

Please note refunds cannot be made against voucher payments, any cancelled booking credit will be held on your account.